Saturday, February 2, 2008

Two months in!

Hey all,
It's hard to believe I've almost been here for 2 months already. I'm continuing to enjoy myself and the people here, and I'm excited for God to move!
As an overview of the last couple weeks:

3 Highlights:
1. Bonding with everyone in my ministry (shopping, homemade water slides and chocolate fondue)
2. Beginning dance training again and learning more about the studio I'm involved with
3. Webcamming with my family

3 Challenges
1. Missing family and friends at home
2. Fighting against getting comfortable and missing out on what God has for me
3. Learning to drive a manual transmission car on the left side of the road

3 Things I'm looking forward to
1. A base prayer week next week - a time of seeking God and hearing from him
2. Talking to people in the city
3. The DTS that will start in a month!

3 Things God is Teaching Me
1. Forgiveness and letting go of hurt from the past
2. Communication in relationships
3. Trusting him

3 Things I'm Praying About
1. For God to give me his heart for people
2. Guidance for the future
3. More students for the DTS in March, and for the students who are already accepted.

Love you all, I pray that God is blessing you and your families.


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