Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hello everyone!

It's been a while since I updated... I've been keeping myself busy, but none of it has been too newsworthy up till now....

The first week on October, 11 of us from the base went to a youth camp for a weekend. The camp was different from camps I've been to in the past - there were small groups from several different Uniting Churches all coming together for the camp. I think there were about 400 kids there, all camping in tents out on the football field (we got to sleep inside, which was nice). Our role there was to be "chaplains" - we were there to talk to any of the kids who needed it, we helped with the large group speaking times, and just generally were extra hands and bodies. YWAMers tend to be good at doing whatever's needed and volunteering for the less-fun jobs, so I think the leaders really appreciated us being there. We did things like security shifts from 3-6 am, setting up tents, running workshops.... I always enjoy doing things like that, so it was fun! It was a huge blessing, also, because we made lots of good connections with people involved in youth. I've been trying to network a lot more lately, because that will be the key to having Youth Street work, so it was great to be able to meet people from around Adelaide who are passionate about youth as well.

In the weeks after that, we were just doing a lot of work around the base. We painted and fixed up one of the houses on base so that Paullette can move in, which was a big job. I also worked in the vineyard next door for some extra cash, and have continued working in communications and other odd things around the base. Like I said - I've been busy, but nothing too newsworthy.

This last week was different, however. We had another ministry come to bless us - called Vistorious Ministries Through Christ (VMTC). They are a Holy Spirit-lead healing ministry. We all received ministry through them, and also learned the principles behind their ministry so that we can use them to bless people as well. I think it was really good for all of us - we each got a personal ministry time with 2 people from their team, where we went through confession, forgiveness, and also processed any other things that the Holy Spirit brought up. It was amazing the things that God brought up to me... some hurts from the past that I didn't expect, but they really helped me to see the root of issues that I've been experiencing. God is good!

Other than that, I've really been enjoying the people here, as usual. There has been a mass exodus in the past few months - God calling people to other places - so that has been a bit hard, but it's exciting to see God moving in people's lives. Those of us here, though, have been enjoying each other - I think God is giving us a greater appreciation for the community he's given us and it's exciting to have new things happening in our ministry. There are also a couple Canadian guys here Mission Building (volunteering around the base), and we've enjoyed hanging out with them... despite the fact that they're Canadian ;)

Next week, the majority of the base will be traveling to Melbourne for the YWAM National Leaders Meeting. I am not a national leader, but I am going. It's a good time to network with people, see what other bases are doing, and receive God's vision for YWAM Australia as a whole. I'll be celebrating my birthday there as well!

That's about it from me! I'm really looking forward to being home in December and seeing all of you in Minnesota! Please have snow :)

God's blessings



Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the "not newsworthy thing." On the other hand, sometimes I forget just how amazing what is going on in YWAM is. What seems not newsworthy to us because we do it all the time is earth shattering to the rest of the world!

You are serving and laying down your life. Lives are being changed. Even when you are painting walls!


Keep Going with God, changing the world by serving!

Jon D.

Zac said...

umm... I'd appreciate it if you'd knock my nationality to my face :p. Happy belated birthday we'll see you when you get back from NLM.