Saturday, June 14, 2008


Loved ones,

Hello from Chennai, India! I trust that you are all doing well.
My team has now been in India for just over 2 weeks - after a delay because of visas, we all got to Delhi safely on the 29th of May. There, 16 of us all stayed at IHOP (International House of Prayer), where we joined them in prayer and intercession, did a few practical things, and sweat a lot! After only about 5 days there, the 2 teams split up and my team of 8 traveled by train to Chennai. We've been here, now, for just over a week and will be staying for 5 more days. The above picture is of my team and Vimal, our guide/translator. Here, we have been working with many different ministries. One day, we traveled to a village and lead a women's meeting there and then handed out tracts in the village and prayed for people. They were surprisingly open to us praying for them, and we were able to pray for healing for a few people - we didn't seen any instant healing, but are trusting God to continue his work. We also did a kids program at a home for people with HIV. The kids were great and really enjoyed hanging out with us, and we were also able to spend a little time with the ladies that were taking care of them. We've also been going on a lot of prayer walks around the city, which is so good because the spiritual world is so prevelent here. We walked by temples and areas where YWAM does ministry and just invited God's presence.
In the next few days, we'll be working with a leper ministry, and visiting some villages again, and then on Thursday we'll be traveling to Calcutta, where we will spend the rest of the outreach. We're really excited to see what God has for us there!

During this whole outreach, we've really had to trust God a lot, as many things have seemed to be not going our way: trouble with visas, very little finances, ministry being rained out, buses breaking down.... It has been really cool to see God bring us through everything, though, and we've seen his provision many times when we weren't sure if we'd have the right amount of money when we needed it. I think God has been teaching us all a lot about trusting him and about the fact that he can see the big picture, even if we can't. Personally, God's been teaching me a lot about loving him, and about how I can love others, and many other things. It's been a really good time of growth for all of us, I think, and even though it's been a bit tough at times, I'm so glad that God knows how we need to grow and how to get us there. He is truly amazing.

Thank you for your prayers for our team! God bless each one of you!



Unknown said...

Hey Caitlin,

Sounds like you guys are having fun!
Praying for you.


DCTrust said...

Hi Cait,
That is very intresting ot see and read your blog, keep it up.

Please visit our girl baby home website:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cait,
That is very intresting ot see and read your blog, keep it up.

Please visit our girl baby home website: