Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone!
Merry Christmas from sunny Australia. Actually, it's been raining lately, which is awesome because we're in desperate need of rain! Thank you to all of you who have been praying for that!
It is really warm here, though, which is kind of weird to be celebrating Christmas in this weather. It's fun to have a new experience, though! We'll be celebrating with everyone on the base on Christmas Eve, and then a few of us will probably to the beach on Christmas day - crazy, huh? I hope that all of you, too, are having a blessed Christmas season!

Some of the other things I've been doing is catching up with everyone, helping some friends paint and move into their house. A lot of people are on Christmas vacation right now, so those of us here are just kind of doing little things that need doing. After the holidays, we'll get back into more normal life. We're going to begin having daily prayer for the DTS and our outreach. Right now we're praying to decide between 4 different places, we'll chose two of them and split the group in half for outreach. I'll let you know as that develops.

Some prayer points:

~ Wisdom and guidance in our outreach locations

~ That God would bring the right students to the DTS

~ That my relationship with God would continue to grow and be alive

~ That we, as DTS staff, would work together in unity, not let the little petty things divide us

~ For our base leaders, Pablo and Fernanda. They just had a baby, Isabella, and are adjusting to all the changes that brings

~ Continued prayer for rain
Thank you for your prayer!

I love you all! I love hearing from you - my email is, feel free to drop me a line anytime!

I hope you all enjoy your white Christmas! May God truly bless your holiday season


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